Whether it’s your first time or you’re a veteran MusicFest attendee, we’ve got 10 tips to make MusicFest 2017 the best one yet!
1. MusicFest App.
Plan your days with the MusicFest app. Find venue schedules, artists, bios, FAQ, and more!
Don’t want to miss your favorite artists? Have no fear the entire schedule fits right in your pocket!
2. Pre-res.
Make sure to pre-register and assure your spot for MusicFest 2018. I don’t have anything else to say about it. You’re a MusicFester, you earned the right.
Check the MusicFest app and your welcome bag for more info on pre-reserving your spot.
3. Charge your phone.
Maybe even get an external charger thingamajig. There is nothing more annoying than trying to walk past a group of people and tripping on a phone cord, because Sherry saw Tommy dancing with Courtney and she just had to tell Brittany right now, BUT her phone was dead.
Also, you’ll need your phone to check the MusicFest app and social media for the happenings of the day.
4. Put them down.
While we’re on the subject of phones, put them down. No picture or video on your phone can ever make up for the experience of singing the wrong lyrics with your friends or soon to be friends. There are professional photographers at MusicFest, so be sure to check out the website when you get home.
If you do happen to capture some cool pictures or videos, be sure to tag The MusicFest on social media and use hashtag #MusicFest17
5. Use the buddy system.
There’s nothing worse than having a dead phone and losing your friends. Making new friends is great.. until you forget where you’re staying and all that goes with that.
Follow tip #3 and finding your friends will be a breeze.
6. Have fun!
This is easy to do, just get out of bed! Start singing out loud, skip on your walk over to see your first show of the day, drink a hot cocoa, and eat a snowflake from the sky. This is the most unique festival in the world; maybe even the entire universe.Make memories of a lifetime-they are there for the makin!
You’re in the majestic Rockies, not at work, and you get to see one of a kind concerts. Look it up in the dictionary: Fun (noun) – Picture of you in the Rockies.
7.Take care of your feet!
You will be walking and skiing and dancing and walking and standing and drinking and eating and sitting sometimes and more dancing and more skiing. Purchasing good socks and wearing the right footwear comes in handy!
Girls, those booties with the fringe may be the cutest thing you ever saw, but they are not functional for all the dancing and skiing and standing you’ll be doing!
8. Layers.
It can get cold. Always good to wear layers. You want to be functional and fashionable. Like a fanny pack. Plus, you can take layers off when you start feeling tropical.
Two words: Thermal. Underwear.
9. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Although it is fun to have a few cocktails with your new friends, or your new favorite artist, (this will happen, just play it cool) remember you are very high, up in the mountains. Hangovers are worse than wine on a Tuesday, because you just can’t even. Marathon. Not a sprint.
Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Pedialyte is great for those of you who won’t listen.
10. Don’t eat the yellow snow.
I can’t stress this enough. It is not lemon flavored ice. Keep in mind, this is not what they call “Champagne powder.”
Just don’t do it.