Paul Thorn has a lot going on from his lunch box collection to a new Gospel record. He will join us for his 4th MusicFest this January, be sure to catch him on the mountain and get to know a little more about him now!
Breaking the Ice w/ Paul Thorn
Who are you and where are you from?
Hi, I’m Paul Thorn from Tupelo, Mississippi – the birthplace of Elvis.
What’s new with the you and/or the band?
I’m so glad you asked! I’ve got a new album, “The Best of Paul Thorn,” coming out with select cuts from all 12 projects. It also includes a free download of a live set. I’m also working on a Gospel record which is something I’ve always wanted to do since Gospel is where I started … just like Elvis.
What are three things you can’t live without?
That’s a hard question since there are more than three things. The easy answer here is obvious – my family, my music and my lunch box collection.
What is something you hate, but you wished you loved and why?
I hate the hours I spend traveling and the time I have to be away from home. There are some people that can’t wait to leave home and some that can’t wait to get home. I love meeting all the interesting people on the road but I really miss my family.
Most memorable MusicFest moment?
There is a gentleman that hosts the artists from MusicFest at a special gathering after the show. At this party I get to mingle with the other artists and trade songs with everyone. This party gives me a chance to get to know the performers as people which is something that I really enjoy.
How’s life?
Life is good. No one’s life is perfect, myself included, and you just weigh out the good and bad. I’ve seen people that are really suffering and I’m thankful that my life is good.
What artists influenced you growing up?
The musicians that have influenced me the most are my parents. I grew up in a church environment and loved listening to my Mom on guitar and my Dad on mandolin. The Southern Gospel experience is really my biggest musical influence.
Who are you most excited to see at MusicFest this year?
I’m most excited to see my fans! With so much great music at MusicFest people need to make choices and when they show up at our show to support us — it means a lot to me!
If you created a slogan for life, what would it be?
Keep your mouth shut! This advice will save you in so many ways. Nothing will go wrong if you stay quiet. The human tongue is the hardest thing to control and I’m really working on it.
Favorite song to sing along to while on the road?
When I’m traveling down the road I like to listen to Boston’s first self-titled album front to back. I grew up listening to it and the big melodic hooks make me feel good. That record makes me feel young and reminds me of a fun time in my life.
What’s your spirit animal and why?
I don’t think that you are going to expect this. My spirit animal is the honey badger, a weasel that loves the sweet stuff. His mission in life is to find honey and every time that crazy honey badger runs into the hive for the honey he gets stung, over and over again. I guess it’s a metaphor … to enjoy the pleasure of the honey — it’s worth the pain.
What would you do if you had a working time machine?
If I had the knowledge I have right now I would have been able to spot the crazy females that wreaked havoc on my life.
What is your favorite three-word sentence?
Referring back to question #12. There’s the door.
If they made a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you?
Billy Bob Thornton or Robert Duval
What is something you do before taking the stage?
I look in the mirror and make sure that I don’t have food in my teeth. Then I make sure that I have two pieces of gum in my back pocket so when I’m signing CDs and talking with fans after the show I can provide a pleasant experience.
If you could ask another artist any question, what would it be?
I would probably go back in time and ask Elvis “What in the hell are you doing man? You need to get off the drugs so that you can have a long life!”
Name one artist of any genre besides country that you are a fan of and tell us why?
I like a lot of various musicians but the first musician that comes to mind is Elton John because of his body of work and the timeless impact of his music.
What makes you laugh out loud?
Modern country music
Fill in the blank: It’s not a party until…
Everybody’s having a good time at a Paul Thorn Show!
What part of MusicFest are you most looking forward to?
I’m just looking forward to making new friends and seeing all of my old friends at MusicFest!
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